Men's coping strategies when feeling unworthy

So, it has been a little while!

Don't go crazy though, I'm back for good, and ready to help.

Image result for unworthySo the topic of today's discussion is 'Men's coping strategies when feeling unworthy' and, in my opinion, this is an issue that affects everyone at some point in their life.

But why? And how can we break this nightmare chain that seems to just keep us spinning around in worthlessness?

Well, my dear Watson, in the following post i'm going to tell you exactly how!

Men's coping strategies with feeling unworthy

The feeling of being unworthy stems from our inability to let people see our authentic selves without any mask or persona. This creates separation between who we 'want' to be and who we 'truly' are and, in turn, this false sense of self becomes the unworthy, needy pawn in the chess game of life. 

Whilst we are fighting against ourselves, our thoughts and emotions run riot. With no conscious awareness of  these patterns, the negative spiral keeps turning and is the driving force behind our confusion and resistance. 

The funny truth about this is that by unconsciously separating yourself into 'authentic' and 'false' senses of self, you feel more isolated and alone because you are not treating either self as though they are worthy of your love. 

The answer to this? Freedom..

The dictionary definition of freedom is 'the power or right to act, speak or think as one wants'

The key here is accessing inner freedom by dissolving the rift between the 'authentic' and 'false' self as this separation is constantly pulling your awareness from side-to-side, therefore, it never settles. 

If these two pictures of freedom birds don't make you want to strip off naked and scream 'HALLELUJAH!' then stop reading here and go stare into the mirror at yourself until they do. 

Ready to scream yet...? 

Good.. then lets continue. 

The guide to stepping out of worthlessness and into freedom

The only true way to learn which areas of your life you are struggling with and how to fix them is through introspection. 

Just like this guy.. 

The following 3steps are how you can move into a sense of inner freedom:

1. Be open to feeling free. It sounds stupid and obvious but, without knowing, your subconscious will self-sabotage whenever the opportunity for freedom arises because it feels unnatural and unsafe. This is the exact feeling you are looking for! And when you find it, fully embrace it and be the part of yourself that your comfort zone wants you to steer clear of. 

2. Question thoughts about yourself whenever you catch them. Do not judge them as positive or negative, just observe them and then ask yourself 'is this true?' and if so, 'how do you know so? '. Thoughts arise from an underpinned belief about yourself that could have originated years ago from the smallest scenario, therefore, remember this the next time you almost self-sabotage and question why. 

3. REJECTION IS YOUR FRIEND. Rejection is a made up concept in your head. Whenever you feel rejected its because you have rejected yourself. Sounds weird, right? Think about it, when someone 'rejects' you, they simply have their own agenda, which is completely normal. If you enter into scenarios with no expectation of what may or may not happen, rejection is no longer possible because you are content with a 'yes', a 'no', a 'don't care' a 'get out of my tree and stop staring through my window you freak' (avoid the latter). But seriously, once you realize this, rejection becomes your ally as it points you in the direction of opportunities of exponential growth. 

With this in mind, I will finish with a quote from Dr. Steve Maraboli that reads "every time I thought I was being rejected from something good, I was actually being re-directed to something better". Powerful words. 


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