How has today's media made the modern man feel like he isn't 'man enough'? Whatever that means..

Being a man.. seems pretty easy, right? No childbirth, no make-up, no periods, no bitchiness and lastly, no emotions. Us men are rocks that aren't fazed by anything in life, other than the football.

(That's the wrong type of Rock, but who cares).

This statement about us having no emotion is absolutely, 100%, unquestionably completely and utterly not true. Not even close. Yet, the media and the the rest of the world feed us the false impression that it is.

I am now going to tackle the reasons as to why the modern man feels as though he isn't 'man enough'.

Modern Menswear: A Feminine Touch Too Far?

How does this happen? 

The media has played a huge role in the emasculation of the modern man. Companies such as Nivea, L’Oreal and Garnier are convincing men that they need to buy their moisturizer in order to have the the skin of a 6 year old and to smell like a freshly washed loofah. 

In actual fact, recent research has shown that women are turned off by a man that takes longer than she does preening and applying products. Don't get me wrong, becoming a slob that takes absolutely no pride in how he looks is never attractive, I am talking about the people who are so self conscious about being themselves (warts and all) that they hide beneath layers of product. Therefore, stick to the bare minimum.. Applying moisturizer to your dry, crispy face is a daily essential for every man, however, taking 45 minutes and 2 cans of hairspray to make sure you have the perfect Johnny Bravo quiff  is going too far and may actually become a turn off to your (possible) other half. 

Secondly, a man who spends hours and hours in the gym working out for pure VANITY is a huge turn off to women. Now let me explain, bodybuilders and powerlifters have incredible drive and dedication to be the best at what they do. I am instead talking about the person who is uncomfortable in their own skin and so therefore tries to hind behind a shield made of biceps and quads in order to avoid actually being themselves. 

The reason men are feeling this way is due to the constant bombardment from the media that this is the image you HAVE to reach in order to be deemed 'attractive' and 'good enough'. 

This false expectation pulls men into a downward spiral that is based upon this false ideal of masculinity e.g. you feel motivated, work out furiously, keep it up for a few weeks and then fall off. In turn, this creates massive amounts of self-loathing, self-doubt and depressive thoughts of never being able to 'escape' the body you already have. This is the reason why in January the gym is like a war zone, everyone in a primal mindset fighting for the best equipment and then 2 months later its like a Vengaboyz concert, dead.

How men can win in this situation?

Finding a healthy balance between taking care of yourself and taking the p*#s is a difficult task, but do not fret, it can be done!

Men, taking care of yourself is not a bad thing! The problem arises when the lines between the genders become blurred and it is difficult to tell the man in the relationship from the woman.

You must now just be mindful of the 'male' and 'female' roles that are present in the relationship. Making sure that you are not crossing these lines on a daily or even weekly basis is key if you want a long and prosperous relationship.



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